Type of Offense Case Number Date Reported Time Reported Date Occurred Time Occurred Location Disposition
Alcohol Violation 25-0042 01/17/25 02:25 01/17/2025 02:25 Sherley Hall Judicial referral
Harassment (Bias Intent) 25-0044 01/17/25 13:14 1/17/2025 13:14 Harrison Bldg Pending
Possession Marijuana 25-0038 01/16/25 12:43 01/16/2025 14:43 Grand Marc South Judicial referral
Burglary of Vehicle 25-0034 01/15/25 23:36 01/15/2025 19:45-22:30 Liberty Lofts Pending
Theft >$750-<$2500 25-0032 01/15/25 14:50 01/13/2025-01/14/2025 15:30-18:00 Grand Marc Garage Pending
Alcohol Violation 25-0026 01/14/25 22:53 01/14/2025 23:53 Milton Daniel Hall Judicial Review
Burglary of Vehicle 25-0022 01/14/25 11:38 01/13/2025-01/14/2025 17:30-10:30 Grand Marc -North Parking 4th Floor Pending
Minor in Possession X 2 25-0021 01/13/25 23:01 01/13/2025 23:01 Sherley Hall Judicial Review
Burglary of Vehicle 25-0020 01/13/25 19:36 01/13/2025 15:30-19:30 Liberty Lofts Closed by arrest
Theft >$750-<$2500 24-1378 12/27/24 15:40 12/27/2024 14:55-15:30 Walsh Center Pending
Possession of Controlled Substance PG 2 24-1375 12/26/24 06:32 12/26/2024 06:32 Grand Marc Garage Cleared by Arrest
Burglary of Vehicle 24-1373 12/20/24 14:15 12/14/2024 19:00 Liberty Lofts Cleared by Arrest
Theft >$100 -<$750 24-1374 12/20/24 15:45 12/19/2024 12:00-21:00 Liberty Lofts Pending
Burglary of Vehicle 24-1370 12/18/24 10:06 12/17/2024 15:00-19:30 TBPW Parking Lot Pending