In the interest of campus safety, we want everyone to be aware TCU University Police received a report of an indecent exposure that occurred on May 01, 2023, at approximately 6 p.m. near the commuter parking lot located at W Lowden and Lubbock. The suspect vehicle is a silver Honda Civic.
Crime Alerts
Indecent Exposure 03 05 2023
CRIME ALERT On March 05, 2023, at approximately noon, TCU Police responded to a report of Indecent Exposure near the Frog Alley parking garage. The victim reported that a male occupying a red Acura four-door sedan exposed himself as he was driving slowly past the victim. The suspect was described as a male of Middle… Read more »
Crime Alert Air Soft Gun Assault 01112022
Crime Alert Assault – AirSoft Gun On Tuesday, January 11, 2022, at approximately 8:30 p.m., a TCU student was walking near the intersection of 2500 W. Bowie St. and Sandage Ave., when he was shot with an AirSoft gun multiple times, by the occupants of a late 90’s model, full size, white SUV. The student… Read more »
I Tunes Scams
PUBLIC SAFETY BULLETIN TCU Police Department 3025 Lubbock Fort Worth, Texas 76129 Emergency: 817.257.7777 | Non-Emergency: 817.257.8400 The TCU Police Department is aware of two recent scam attempts targeting TCU Faculty and Staff using emails which identify the scammer as senior TCU Faculty. In each case, the intended victim was asked to buy iTunes gift… Read more »
Indecent Exposure 09022021
PUBLIC SAFETY BULLETIN TCU Police Department 3025 Lubbock Fort Worth, Texas 76129 Emergency: 817.257.7777 | Non-Emergency: 817.257.8400 On September 02, 2021, at approximately 5:30 p.m., TCU Police responded to a report of Indecent Exposure near campus. The victim reported that a male occupying an older model black Dodge Challenger with a cracked driver’s side window… Read more »
Sexual Assault 09042022
PUBLIC SAFETY BULLETIN SEXUAL ASSAULT The TCU Police and the Fort Worth Police Department are investigating a report of a Sexual Assault that occurred in a residence hall on Sunday, September 04th. The suspect has not been currently identified. The suspect was an acquaintance of another student. Sexual Assault is a serious crime, under Texas… Read more »
Crime Alert Campus Assault
Sunday evening, October 17, 2021, shortly before midnight, the TCU Police Department responded to an assault complaint from a student. The student reported that while walking near Mabee Hall a male approached her from the rear and grabbed her around the waist. The student did not recognize the male and does not know his intent. … Read more »
Crime Alert – Burglary
Burglary The TCU Police Department is investigating a Burglary of Residence that occurred on campus on McCart Ave. The incident happened on March 9, 2020 at approximately 3:00 am. The suspect entered through a window, waking the resident who was home at the time. The suspects ran away and left in an unknown 4-door gray… Read more »